Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Cover Photo of Un-Clenched Emotion

I wanted to talk a little about the cover that's on my book, "Un-Clenched Emotion".  I believe it is awesome, and friends and family have told me that it is beautiful, so I know it's not just me.  It's a picture of the sun, and it is reflected in the ocean on a beach.

I thought maybe my book price as $5.50 might be high, for a little over 20 poems.  However, I think the photo on the cover is worth much more than that, even without the poetry.  I'm not a photographer in any way, but some of my family members are, and some friends too.  Their photos sale for $50 dollars and up.  I always thought I took good pictures, but I don't have a professional camera and I wouldn't know how to start to sell a photo for such a price.  I still think I'm good with a digital or phone camera though.  If I was selling this picture, I would not be ashamed to accept a reasonable amount of money for that breathtaking scenery.  Compared to $50, $5.50 is quite a deal!

The picture on the cover of "Un-Clenched Emotion" was taken in SeaSide Oregon. I was simply on vacation with my family and happened to be at the beach.  I was captivated by the scenery.  I wanted to hold onto if forever, so I did the next best thing and took a photo.  It's too bad I couldn't bottle the scent or record the sounds of the ocean.  It was such a great feeling to be in SeaSide  I had no plans for that photo except personal enjoyment.  The double sun, in the water, and in the sky really speaks of natures beauty.  It's a reflection of it self, and that is poetic all on it's own.  The picture puts you in a serene sort of mind, perfect for when your reading poetry.

I didn't write any poems solely about the sun in my book, but I definitely mentioned it once or twice.  I did write a poem entitled "The Sea" which makes the beach a perfect representative of what's in the book.  This poem also mentions the sun in it.  This is in the Enjoyment part of the book.  I placed it there because I love the ocean and find it enjoyable.  I do mention the sun later on in the book in the philosophizing part entitled "Seeking".  In this poem, the sun is more of a metaphor, but the imagery still helps me justify putting a photo of the sun on the front of the book.

I haven't made any book sales that I know of,  (Not until I simply see money in my account will I know if I did).  I'm not sure if anyone accepted my free kindle book either. (I will never know unless someone posts a review).  Perhaps reading poetry isn't that popular.  But even if you don't like poetry, you could still buy the book simply for the beauty of the cover!  I understand if you don't want to get the kindle copy for that, but the kindle price is $2.99 so you're not paying "extra" for the cover.  I'm proud of my poems, and I'm proud of my creation.  I think everything about it is beautiful and everyone who has seen the book has told me it is too.  I just wish I was better at getting it out to the public!

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