Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Another Sale!

I admit I had an alternative motive for posting my poems on social media all week. I am trying to sale my book once again. "Un-Clenched Emotion" is 99 cents on the kindle from Thanksgiving to the 29th, which covers both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The link is:

However, I did think people might like a sample of my work whether they end up buying my book or not.  None of the things I shared do I officially plan to publish, and they are here on this blog. You can find the link to the page on the right under the heading: The Written Poetry of Natasha Gruss McKinley

Black Sales Days

A bustling crowd makes my head feel like it wants to burst.
Pushing through people is anti-joy,
a few Black Fridays I have bitten my lip and tried it.

A tea kettle for my father and
vague reembrace of a cousin joining me.
It was everything I thought I would hate (except the cousin).

Curious about a drug store,
there weren't too many people there
and the sales were amazing.

Obviously, a discrepancy.
On Cyber Mondays
I can hide from the world

and get those steals
that seem to be greatest
after a day of  Thanks and long weekend.

@Natasha McKinley

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