Basically a wonderful problem is something that is overall a good thing, but that you need to do extra things to keep the problem a good thing. It's needing to buy clothes because you lost weight. You have to spend money to keep yourself covered appropriately. You lost weight but it's a hassle to have to spend money because of your weight loss. Unfortunately, that is not my wonderful problem at the moment (it was in the past) My current wonderful problem is that I have too many good reviews for my book now to post!
I just got a good review from Reader's Favorite. They can't post to Amazon because Amazon does not let professional companies to post reviews. I have been waiting for years to get this review, I think since 2016 when I published "Un-Clenched Emotion". It's as follows:
Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite
Un-Clenched Emotion: A Collection of Poems has original and creative content. Natasha Gruss explores many different topics while maintaining a high level of attention to detail. She conveys her thoughts vividly as she describes the landscape and other elements of nature. She writes about the sea and the sky, expressing appreciation for everything around us. She continues with the topic of despair, where she examines dreams and feelings. She continually alludes to nature, which remains a background theme. Gruss concludes with a section on philosophizing, where she provides her perspective on situations such as the passing of time and facing life. With its inspirational verses, this collection will give you much food for thought.
I wish Un-Clenched Emotion had been longer. I enjoyed all of the poems because Natasha Gruss describes sensations, aromas, and objects concisely, without losing the central message that she is conveying. The language is simple and honest, without pretension, which is why I think everyone will enjoy this collection. Enjoying was my favorite part because it has the most descriptive poems and covers many emotions and situations. By sharing her thoughts, Gruss awakens the reader’s imagination. Her outlook is uplifting as she talks about feeling good and enjoying life, but she doesn't avoid expressing herself on matters such as confusion or loneliness. This is the ideal collection to savor during a peaceful moment.
Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash
So how did I get so many good and honest reviews? I first started getting reviews from chatting with other authors on Goodreads through the Author Program and Goodreads Groups. Unfortunately, the author's there could only post to Goodreads at first. You can find my Goodreads reviews at: and I gave honest reviews to get my own good reviews. Fortunately for me, there is too much to my story in getting book reviews in a blog post. I do want to mention that I was going to post just the 5 star reviews of "Un-Clenched Emotion" on my review page here, but there are too many of those to post. What a wonderful problem!
If you would like to see my Amazon reviews they are at: and Admittedly, there are not many reviews on the first link (at the moment) which is to the print version of my book. I am still having a hard time selling that. Maybe someday! Like how now the Kindle version of my book is at a good number of reviews. I want to mention these are only the U.S.A. reviews. I also have reviews from Canada, the U.K., and right now one from Australia, Amazon pages.
Photo by Anastasiia Rozumna on Unsplash
There are a couple of shout outs I want to add to this. First to Diabolic Shrimp. This is an Author who offered to do Amazon reviews for a copy of a free book. He gave me my first Amazon review which was 5 stars. It took him a few years to do this. His link is: Second I want to thank Sandra who runs a wonderful, honest, review site. Authors can upload their books to be reviewed at: You have to review another book in order to get in the program. There is no guarantee that you will get reviewed but I was lucky enough to get a lot of reviews from her program! Sandra also helps run a Secret Santa Exchange group on Facebook. I'll let you look that up on your own if you're interested. Authors are guaranteed to get an Honest (could be 1 star) review from here if they give an honest review to another book first and within half a month's time frame.
There are many more authors who I have connected with throughout this journey, and I thank them all and apologize for not adding your name and information here. I want to say I am not doing reviews for anyone right now. Not unless you are on the Facebook Secret Santa or another Facebook group that's by invite only (sorry, I don't have the power to invite for this group.) I will stop rambling now. I wish for all of you to obtain your own wonderful problems!