Thursday, May 9, 2024

Free Ways to Market Books

I sold four Kindle copies of my poetry book for $0.99 this last time, and one other person downloaded and read a KU (Kindle Unlimited) copy. It's not much, but it is still encouraging. The first couple times I tried to give "Un-Clenched Emotion" away for free, there were no takers. Then I gave away 1, then 6, then 70! I tried some Amazon Advertising this time and wasn't very successful, but that's okay, marketing is a learning process!

Of course, I use this blog to market. I'm not sure how successful it is. I do get a lot of traffic that you can see by looking at my counter. I'm not sure how I did it! Just showing up helps. I don't have much interaction, only 4 comments and no subscribers' through blogger, but people are looking and that makes me happy. Then I do have some subscribers on Goodreads that I just found out about. When I post my new blog posts on Facebook, I usually get a consistent 7 or 8 people who look. (My blog has a reports section, that's how I know). I want to thank all of you who do look at my writings! I have over 1000 X (formerly twitter) followers, but I don't get many looks from there. I'm working on being more active on X, there are a lot of authors helping authors on that platform. I'm not sure how many followers that aren't family or people I know on Instagram. It's a big sized number I think, but not so much as X. I don't get that much interaction with Instagram yet either. The Goodreads author program is also free and there are many groups you can participate in. I belong to some and have gotten a few reviews from there. There are a few people who also marked "Un-Clenched Emotion" as want to read. So Goodreads is also a good marketing platform. The cool thing is I don't have to pay anything for these platforms.

There's a couple of other of things that aren't costly that I could do to market my book. I could create a separate Facebook page and invite those interested. It seems like so much work though, added to this. And then I could attempt to create a newsletter, but that seems like A Lot of work. You may have noticed, I'm not extremely consistent in simply writing this blog.  It takes awhile for me to come up with a subject to talk about and sometimes I just don't feel like doing it. If I make a newsletter, it's got to be consistent. And then, of course, I have no idea how to get subscribers. So there are a lot of things I do to market my book, and somethings I could be doing but don't.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sale For Poetry Month

Un-Clenched Emotion, Kindle Edition, will once again be on sale for ninety nine cents (.99) for poetry month. The book normally costs $2.99. Get it by going to this link: The sale starts on Monday April 22nd 2024 and will end Monday April 29th 2024. I have not been successful with these sales before, but maybe this time will be better. I wasn't ordinally successful giving my book away for free at first either. However last year, I made the best seller for free books list on Amazon. I have set some advertising up this time which I haven't tried before. Fingers crossed. It's also April, poetry month, and this blog get more traffic this month. Here's one of my poems from the book to give you a taste of what it is like:

YouTube Video of The Sea

Obviously, for poetry month I have been working on marketing. I learned about Amazon Ads. There was a rumor going around on Facebook that a book would get in Amazon's newsletter if it had 50 ratings and over a four star review. I asked Alexa, and she said it was not enough. She pretty much said that it was secret the way Amazon chooses to place books in their newsletter. This stuff is hardly poetic. I have done a lot of work on my next book, Seasons of Sensation. It's still nowhere near complete but is really coming along. That's what I have REALLY done for poetry month. I haven't decided how I am going to publish Seasons of Sensation, whether I'll try a traditional publisher or if I'll publish on my own. I hope that you choose to buy Un-Clenched Emotion this time and decide that you would like to read more of my stuff.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Should Poems Have a Title?

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

If you read a lot of poetry, you will notice that there are many poems out there without a title. In fact, a very famous poet, Emily Dickinson, did not title any of her poems. The choice to title poems is up to the author. It is the readers right to have an opinion on whether a title should be placed or not. I am of the belief that the choice of titling a poem is a matter of artistic expression.

There was a time in my life when I titled some of my poems and left others without a title. Now I title everything. The reason for that is because, submitting a poem for publication, I got rejected. The reason they gave me was that they could not figure out what the poem was about. I realized that adding a title would add clarity and add a little extra something to the poem. I titled the rejected piece, "It's All About The Sky," and don't remember if I submitted it for publication anywhere else.

I also choose to add titles to my poems for easier organization and recognition. When writing many pieces, it is helpful to have an indicator of which piece is being talked about in a conversation or in a paper. It also helps in poetry collection books. It can be argued that a title to a poem is unnecessary for organization. When a poem has no title, its first line becomes the title. That has been the case with Dickson's poems in my English books. Still, I think titles are beneficial for clarities sake.

I have run into the problem of giving some of my works the same title. It will be quite a project going through my writings and figuring which titles should be changed, or if I am willing to have some of my poetry titled the same. I have so many poems that giving every piece a different title might be unattainable. It is possible that I may choose to have the first line of my poem become the new title. If this is the case, I will write that one line down twice. There's nothing wrong with a little repetition in poetry.
It is kind of weird that some poets choose to go without. An author would probably not write a book without a title. That would be weird. It may be that some poets don't title their poetry for the very sake of weirdness. That's fine. Titling poetry is a choice. I have nothing against authors who choose not to title their poems. I, however, now choose to title mine.

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

They Left Out the Title

Empty words expected to be gleaned through inference.
But how can we tell when the line before and the line after is left blank?
It puts a new meaning to 'reading in between the lines'.
Reading the words after blank spaces,
our hearts may be captivated
and our creativity may spell the subject out.
Our own interpretation.
That must be the hope of those who left the title without.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Is Writing Work? Even If You Don't Get Paid?

I think a lot of writers are unintentionally modest. I know I am. I have a hard time mentioning that I have written a poetry book, even to people I know. I think maybe it's not that big of deal, especially since I know so many people have done it. But it is a big deal, and authors need to mention that they have written books in order to sell them. Part of the reason I don't mention that I write is because somewhere deep inside, and untruly, I think that writing is not work. The biggest reason I suspect I think that is because I don't get paid much for my work. Some authors may say writing is not work because it's fun. But it is work, work can be enjoyable!

I was at a family reunion and was asked the dreaded question, "so what do you do?" by my aunt. I mentioned taking care of my Autistic daughter, feeling inadequate because despite being paid to take care of my 22 year old daughter, I am her mother and am supposed to do that. I also felt depressed because I had to quit my job earlier in the year because of my health. I felt inferior. Then I mentioned taking a proof reading and editing class with my goal to get paid in that sector of English. My aunt then surprised me by asking me if I still wrote poetry. I was happy to say, "yes I do!" I suddenly felt better about myself because I realized I am doing something, I am working.

I also remembered that in my last job, I had put writer on my resume. I was hesitant to do that, but I had made a little money through freelancing on Upwork.  I felt that I could honestly put that as work experience on there since I got paid. I was surprised a few years later when one of my boss's said they were excited to hire me because I had writer on my resume. Even though I had trouble accepting it as an actual job, other people didn't.  You never know what is going to happen. In the case of looking for a job or making money, don't be modest!

Even if an author is not getting paid they are still working. They still spend valuable time putting pen to paper, and/or typing their stories or poems up. Then going back and making sure their work is polished.  Some people stop there, but all the time put in is the equivalent of an actual job. And then there are the writers who try to get published, either through traditional means or by self-publishing. It takes time to send out manuscripts and then a lot of waiting for rejection or acceptance. If an author gets rejected they have to send out their manuscript somewhere else. It takes time, and is work, to find who to send your manuscript to. Then there are those who may self-publish or who decide to self-publish after getting rejected. Now that's a lot of work! You have to choose which market you're going to publish with, and learn about their requirements. There may be a lot of tutorials or web pages to go through to do it right. Additionally, self-published authors have to market their own work. That truly feels like a job to me, yet, and contradictorily, because I've made so few sales my head tells me it's not a job. I may not be extremely successful but I am realizing, that yes I do actually work, by marketing and writing. I hope other writers out there proudly exclaim that they're authors, even if they're not making any money yet!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Selling Indie Books

First, for those of you are curious, I was once again unsuccessful in selling "Un-Clenched Emotion" for 99 cents. I had made 2 full price sales before that, so not the end of the world. Speaking of selling books, I recently sold to 2 other countries. Usually KDP reports shows how many sales you have a week (or how many Kindle Unlimited pages are read) a month, year etc. So I waited a week to check the reports, and those foreign sales were not on my KDP reports. However, I did get money in my bank account for those sales. All is good. Speaking of making money, for the first time since I published my book in 2016, I was emailed a tax form for the royalties on my book this year. What I made is in the extremely low double digits, but it was still exciting to get that tax form.

I do believe in order to make money and more sales, I need to spend something on advertising. Previously I was questioning whether Amazon Ads was worth it. Now, I am pretty sure it is. Many Indie Authors that I am in contact with expressed their success with the program. I really need to take a closer look on how to use these ads. Amazon has a lot of guides. I looked at some of them and find them daunting. I have bought some marketing through other companies in the past. I have to say, never pay for social media shout outs. You can do that yourself for free. Many people on X (Previously twitter) will retweet your post for free, especially if you retweet their posts. Someone once even made an unsolicited post advertising my book on Instagram. You can get Facebook friends to help you too. I really need to make a Facebook page to promote my writing.

I may soon have free advertising through Amazon. It has been said that if you have over 50 reviews of above a certain star rating, Amazon will put your book in their newsletter. I have strong doubts about this. I am not that far away from 50 reviews. My star rating is definitely high enough. I am hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised and get "Un-Clenched Emotion" in a newsletter because of this. For all of those Indie Authors out there, I wish you success in your marketing ventures. For curious readers, please leave reviews for those authors!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Another Sale!

I admit I had an alternative motive for posting my poems on social media all week. I am trying to sale my book once again. "Un-Clenched Emotion" is 99 cents on the kindle from Thanksgiving to the 29th, which covers both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The link is:

However, I did think people might like a sample of my work whether they end up buying my book or not.  None of the things I shared do I officially plan to publish, and they are here on this blog. You can find the link to the page on the right under the heading: The Written Poetry of Natasha Gruss McKinley

Black Sales Days

A bustling crowd makes my head feel like it wants to burst.
Pushing through people is anti-joy,
a few Black Fridays I have bitten my lip and tried it.

A tea kettle for my father and
vague reembrace of a cousin joining me.
It was everything I thought I would hate (except the cousin).

Curious about a drug store,
there weren't too many people there
and the sales were amazing.

Obviously, a discrepancy.
On Cyber Mondays
I can hide from the world

and get those steals
that seem to be greatest
after a day of  Thanks and long weekend.

@Natasha McKinley

Thursday, November 16, 2023

November Is Novel Writing Month

A few years back, I learned that November was novel writing month.  When twitter was twitter, authors used to post how many words they had written a day or week.  If you are like me and wonder how long a novel is, it's usually 80k words, or 80 thousand words, give or take.  I tried to look up how big a general novel is by pages, but I quickly learned they do it by words.  Books are all kinds of different sizes, so it makes sense that they do it that way.  I have never written close to 80k words.

I have always wanted to participate in novel writing month, but whenever November comes around, chaos hits.  I get so busy, and since my mother-in-law passed in November of 2018, it's an emotional month.  I would like to write an actual novel.  The most words I have written for one unfinished story is just over 14.5k back it 2018 (before November).  That story needs major editing and there's much more to write if I ever want to get that done.  I'm not very invested in it except that it's my first serious attempt at a novel.  I am happy to say, while it might not be a novel, I have been working on my next poetry book this month. In fact I have simultaneously been working on it and writing this.  It won't be anywhere close to 80k words, but it will be Much larger than "Un-Clenched Emotion".  It already is.  So I am counting it as a novel.

Since I've made progress on my next book this year, I'll tell you what the title and theme is. I've been holding back until now because I am never sure if it's ever going to get done. My next poetry book will be called "Seasons of Sensation".  I am writing poems for each of the seasons and months over the course of a year in "Seasons of Sensation." It starts on December 21st which is close to New Year's Eve and New Years Day.  It didn't make sense to start on New Years which is 10 days into winter, and then end the book in winter.  Then it would have two sections of winter in the book while the rest of the seasons only have one section.  I have not decided exactly where to end "Seasons of Sensation".  I was thinking of my Birthday, which is December 13th, and close to the end of fall, or the last day of fall, which would be of course, December 20th.  So I am thinking that it might need something after the Birthday poem, but I am leaning towards Birthday because that would make a great beginning or ending in a book about the cycle of the year.  I am also not using numerical dates in "Seasons of Sensation" so an actual poem focusing on December 20th specifically is unnecessary.

Photo by D koi on Unsplash

I haven't left you guys with a new poem, that I don't plan on publishing, in a while... so today I will give you my alternative to "Jack Sprat".  I read a poem that was a nursery rhyme rewritten and decided to do one myself with a science fiction theme.  This fits here because the next poetry book I intend to make after "Seasons of Sensation" is one full of speculative poetry, (science fiction and fantasy poems leaning towards a dystopian, or a dark theme).  Here's my poem:

Jack of the Future


“Dear Sir, our nanobots have detected high cholesterol,

and that’s not all,”

I’m afraid your heart may burst,”

It isn’t the worst.


“But this technology can heal me, right?”

Of certain things I cannot bite.


“The cholesterol, yes,

It isn’t the best,

but you have a rare disease which even nanobots cannot cure,

of that, I am sure.”

“I am afraid you can eat no fat.”

Well, drat.


“Dear Misses, our nanobots have detected a rare disease they cannot fix,

you and vegetables do not mix.”


Not even a salad will be tossable.

“Your body can not digest lean,

eat unhealthily to keep your digestion clean.”


Husband and wife together,

Her stout, him light as a feather.

“What’s to be eating?”

Is their greeting.


“I can eat no salad,” said she,

“I can eat no meat,” said he.


One plate shared.

Still, they were wonderfully paired.

Salad and meat.

Well, isn’t that neat.


An empty plate, and empty platter.

Crises averted, nothing’s the matter.  

Friday, October 27, 2023

Stormy and Sunny Skies

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post. My life got a bit upset in May.  I managed to try to promote my published poetry book for prime days in July.  It wasn't a success except to let you all know I didn't completely disappear. I struggle with some mental health stuff, which I think we all do. I suppose it's a little cliché that I'm a poet with mental health struggles. It hasn't been all bad as I hope you can tell from my some of my former blog posts. I did stop working on my next poetry book which I am planning on getting back to soon. I have been doing reviews and I have continued to get reviews on "Un-Clenched Emotion". I received the best one the other day.  There are both storms and sunny skies in life. The review says this:

Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2023

What a wonderful collection of poems! If you love creation like I do, you will enjoy how the author puts her feelings of appreciation and discovery into words that sound like home. These poems are not only beautiful, but most of them are quite uplifting (except for the middle collection called "Despairing") My favorite begins with the words, "The day I fell in love with night..." We even took her writings to share around a beach campfire and covered the first section titled, "Enjoying". It was a memorable experience for everyone! The last portion, called "Philosophizing" also had some exceptional entries, but the ones I'll always revisit, are those that centered on understanding and appreciating the wonder of nature.

Isn't that awesome!? People read my writings around a beach! That's especially cool since the cover is a
photo of an ocean in Oregon.  I don't know if it's related to some more good news I got: Someone finally bought my book.  'Bought it', so I actually made a couple of dollars instead of a few cents from Kindle Unlimited.  It could be that this person liked my book so much they bought the print copy, or it might be related to yet more good news I received.

"Un-Clenched Emotion" got accepted on the BiblioBoard Library mobile and web platform. This is through Indie Washington, a collection of local indie author books. (An indie author is someone who self published their work). So my book is available to library patrons across the state. I've fantasized about having my book in libraries and now it's a reality. They don't just take any books either, I had to be accepted into this and I am so glad I was. They also gave me the following logo to proudly display on my website:

I'm not sure if they or another library had to purchase my book in order to make it available. A note on the logo:  in case you didn't know, I live in western Washington State, USA. However, I am happy to say "Un-Clenched Emotion" has traveled the world. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Amazon Prime Days and Author Promotion (99 cents, 7/10/23-7/14/23)

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

Amazon Prime Days are Tuesday July 11th, and Wednesday July 12th 2023. I decided to try an experiment. I am reducing the price for "Un-Clenched Emotion" from $2.99 to $0.99 on the Kindle!  The book will be on sale the day before Prime Days, Monday 7/10/2023 until the day after, Thursday 7/13/2023. If you haven't found the link yet,  it is:

I have done this 99cent deal before, but completely failed at it. It doesn't hurt to try again!  To get you interested in my book, I'll show my YouTube Teaser once again:

I believe I failed on the first go around because I am not the best at advertising. When I self published my book with Amazon I naively believed that Amazon would help me advertise....for free. It might be needless to say that I didn't really know what I was doing. I just did it. The final product, the book "Un-Clenched Emotion", turned out great.  Promoting the book didn't turn out so great, and it's still been a struggle, but I learn more everyday. 

Amazon does have a marketing section for authors and an advertising section,  but you have to pay for advertising. I'm always trying to save a penny or two, so I haven't looked into this as much as I should because it looks expensive. I am just making my 99cent sale coincide with Prime Days; instead of buying Prime Day Ads. Another reason I haven't looked more into advertising on Amazon is because I've heard other authors recommend it not be used. Now I'm seeing authors that Do recommend it! Who knows? The same goes for Goodreads Ads.

I have found another free way to advertise "Un-Clenched Emotion". Many book promotion websites offer free author interviews. So I answered a bunch of various questions about myself multiple times. You can't beat free advertising. I believe that the interviews I have posted so far have added traffic to this blog and have enticed some people to download and read my book on Kindle Unlimited. I have 3 interviews published online.  They are at:

Awesome Gang:


Crave Books:

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

I've wondered for awhile if blog tours worked for selling books. Some of them are pricey. I figured doing these Author Interviews will give me an idea if they will work or not. I also am not sure how well they work for poets.  Book blog tours seem to be geared toward other writing genres. If you're a poet and have gone on a book blog tour, let me know how it worked out for you. Let me know about Goodreads and Amazon paid ads too.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

What Is a Wonderful Problem?

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Basically a wonderful problem is something that is overall a good thing, but that you need to do extra things to keep the problem a good thing. It's needing to buy clothes because you lost weight. You have to spend money to keep yourself covered appropriately. You lost weight but it's a hassle to have to spend money because of your weight loss. Unfortunately, that is not my wonderful problem at the moment (it was in the past) My current wonderful problem is that I have too many good reviews for my book now to post!

I just got a good review from Reader's Favorite. They can't post to Amazon because Amazon does not let professional companies to post reviews. I have been waiting for years to get this review, I think since 2016 when I published "Un-Clenched Emotion". It's as follows:

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

Un-Clenched Emotion: A Collection of Poems has original and creative content. Natasha Gruss explores many different topics while maintaining a high level of attention to detail. She conveys her thoughts vividly as she describes the landscape and other elements of nature. She writes about the sea and the sky, expressing appreciation for everything around us. She continues with the topic of despair, where she examines dreams and feelings. She continually alludes to nature, which remains a background theme. Gruss concludes with a section on philosophizing, where she provides her perspective on situations such as the passing of time and facing life. With its inspirational verses, this collection will give you much food for thought.

I wish Un-Clenched Emotion had been longer. I enjoyed all of the poems because Natasha Gruss describes sensations, aromas, and objects concisely, without losing the central message that she is conveying. The language is simple and honest, without pretension, which is why I think everyone will enjoy this collection. Enjoying was my favorite part because it has the most descriptive poems and covers many emotions and situations. By sharing her thoughts, Gruss awakens the reader’s imagination. Her outlook is uplifting as she talks about feeling good and enjoying life, but she doesn't avoid expressing herself on matters such as confusion or loneliness. This is the ideal collection to savor during a peaceful moment.

Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash

So how did I get so many good and honest reviews? I first started getting reviews from chatting with other authors on Goodreads through the Author Program and Goodreads Groups. Unfortunately, the author's there could only post to Goodreads at first.  You can find my Goodreads reviews at: and I gave honest reviews to get my own good reviews. Fortunately for me, there is too much to my story in getting book reviews in a blog post. I do want to mention that I was going to post just the 5 star reviews of "Un-Clenched Emotion" on my review page here, but there are too many of those to post.  What a wonderful problem!

If you would like to see my Amazon reviews they are at: and  Admittedly, there are not many reviews on the first link (at the moment) which is to the print version of my book. I am still having a hard time selling that. Maybe someday! Like how now the Kindle version of my book is at a good number of reviews. I want to mention these are only the U.S.A. reviews. I also have reviews from Canada, the U.K., and right now one from Australia, Amazon pages.

Photo by Anastasiia Rozumna on Unsplash

There are a couple of shout outs I want to add to this. First to Diabolic Shrimp. This is an Author who offered to do Amazon reviews for a copy of a free book. He gave me my first Amazon review which was 5 stars. It took him a few years to do this. His link is: Second I want to thank Sandra who runs a wonderful, honest, review site. Authors can upload their books to be reviewed at: You have to review another book in order to get in the program. There is no guarantee that you will get reviewed but I was lucky enough to get a lot of reviews from her program! Sandra also helps run a Secret Santa Exchange group on Facebook. I'll let you look that up on your own if you're interested. Authors are guaranteed to get an Honest (could be 1 star) review from here if they give an honest review to another book first and within half a month's time frame. 

There are many more authors who I have connected with throughout this journey, and I thank them all and apologize for not adding your name and information here.  I want to say I am not doing reviews for anyone right now. Not unless you are on the Facebook Secret Santa or another Facebook group that's by invite only (sorry, I don't have the power to invite for this group.) I will stop rambling now.  I wish for all of you to obtain your own wonderful problems!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023



I am really happy to report that the free promotion I ran for my poetry book, 'Un-Clenched Emotion' was a huge success. So successful in fact, that I made Amazon's Best Seller List for free poetry. I also made the best seller list for free books in 45-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads. Check out the following screen shots taken on April 7th, 2023; the first day of this promotion:

It took a lot of work just to give my book away. I have tried running a free promotion a handful of times. Some promotions I didn't manage to give any free books away at all. Then I got listed in freebooksy for the final days of one of my promotions and gave away 6 books.  I was happy about that. I applied with them this time but they did not pick up my book again. However 3 other places did decide to promote my book. They are: It’s Write Now, Armadillo books (under the promoting name Crave Books), and Sandra's Book Club. I am happy to say I did not have to pay any money for these programs to promote my book! So, I'm sure you're wondering how many books I gave away this time. The answer is seventy, 70, and I am still blown away by this success.  I had to take another screen shot just to believe it! Here it is:

If you're wondering, I do not make any money when running these promotions. I did get 3 reviews of my book doing this, and obviously there is still time for other people to review. Even though I didn't make money doing this, I still feel successful. All I wanted was to get my book out there for people to enjoy. Making the Best Seller Lists was not even a goal. I am pleased and proud that it happened. I don't think I'll be running a free promotion for this book again. I do plan on trying a 99 cent promotion next time but it will be awhile yet for that. Amazon only allows authors to run a promotion like this once every 3 months.  

If you're reading this, it's probably likely you downloaded my book. I wanted to thank you for that. I also wanted to let you know my book is ALWAYS free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. I do get a miniscule amount of money if you download and read it from there. My goal was and is not to make money with this book, my goal is to share it with the world. Thank you for helping me succeed!