Friday, October 27, 2023

Stormy and Sunny Skies

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post. My life got a bit upset in May.  I managed to try to promote my published poetry book for prime days in July.  It wasn't a success except to let you all know I didn't completely disappear. I struggle with some mental health stuff, which I think we all do. I suppose it's a little cliché that I'm a poet with mental health struggles. It hasn't been all bad as I hope you can tell from my some of my former blog posts. I did stop working on my next poetry book which I am planning on getting back to soon. I have been doing reviews and I have continued to get reviews on "Un-Clenched Emotion". I received the best one the other day.  There are both storms and sunny skies in life. The review says this:

Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2023

What a wonderful collection of poems! If you love creation like I do, you will enjoy how the author puts her feelings of appreciation and discovery into words that sound like home. These poems are not only beautiful, but most of them are quite uplifting (except for the middle collection called "Despairing") My favorite begins with the words, "The day I fell in love with night..." We even took her writings to share around a beach campfire and covered the first section titled, "Enjoying". It was a memorable experience for everyone! The last portion, called "Philosophizing" also had some exceptional entries, but the ones I'll always revisit, are those that centered on understanding and appreciating the wonder of nature.

Isn't that awesome!? People read my writings around a beach! That's especially cool since the cover is a
photo of an ocean in Oregon.  I don't know if it's related to some more good news I got: Someone finally bought my book.  'Bought it', so I actually made a couple of dollars instead of a few cents from Kindle Unlimited.  It could be that this person liked my book so much they bought the print copy, or it might be related to yet more good news I received.

"Un-Clenched Emotion" got accepted on the BiblioBoard Library mobile and web platform. This is through Indie Washington, a collection of local indie author books. (An indie author is someone who self published their work). So my book is available to library patrons across the state. I've fantasized about having my book in libraries and now it's a reality. They don't just take any books either, I had to be accepted into this and I am so glad I was. They also gave me the following logo to proudly display on my website:

I'm not sure if they or another library had to purchase my book in order to make it available. A note on the logo:  in case you didn't know, I live in western Washington State, USA. However, I am happy to say "Un-Clenched Emotion" has traveled the world. Thank you for visiting my blog!